DF-50 Hazer
DF-50 Hazer $200
- Fog Hang Time is over 3 hours in an enclosed space.
- Is the cleanest most cost effective atmospheric hazer. Diffusion(tm) haze is totally odorless and can only be detected visually. No sore throats, funny smells, or burning eyes.
- Provides safe and economical non-glycol haze with no heat.
- Holds 2 liters (1/2 gal) fluid, 35+ hours of runtime

Fog Machine
Fog Machine – F100 $75
The F-100 has set the standard by which all smoke machines are judged. This feature packed machine includes variable output, timer features, remote control, analog control, 2.5 gallon capacity tank, rigging points, selection of different fluids for different applications.
Effects Fan
RE Fan Turbo 2 – $45
RE Fan Turbo 4 – $60

Mole Fan
Special Effects "Heat" Flame bar